Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Blue Room by Cam Giblin

"The Blue Room" Jazz-themed Art Kicks design. No those aren't famous musicians on the front; I just googled "Jazz stuff", and they came up. If you want to pretend they're you're favorite Jazz artist, have it. All in all, one of my easier designs, but my favorite thus far.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Blossoms" by Cam Giblin

This was a relatively simple and straightforward design. I was given the theme Buddhist/cherry blossoms and allowed to have at it with artistic freedom.
She asked the beginning initials of her partner and two children to be incorporated into the trees.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

AK image gallery done my way. With my own hands. That touched a computer.

Art Kicks look glorious when you can see them all at once, on one page. For a year now, I've been dreaming of a photo gallery done my way. Well, recently I've been learning html and CSS for just that purpose, and without further ado, I present: